Bishop's Palace


On April 1, 2021 the Heritage Calgary board approved the following site to be updated to the Inventory of Evaluated Historic Resources.

John A. Tweddle Residence

Bishop’s Palace – 910 7A Street NW (Rosedale)
Year Built: (1911)

Re-evaluated as a City Wide Historic Resource

Bishop’s Palace has institutional value as a symbol of the influence and economic prowess of Calgary’s Roman Catholic Diocese as the high-end residence for several Bishops over its 70-year ownership (Institutional Value – City Wide Significance).

The residence is valued as an outstanding example of a Queen Anne Revival estate, which evokes pastoral living and a nostalgic Victorian-era feel (Style Value – City Wide Significance).

A neighbourhood landmark, Bishop’s Palace is valued as a symbol of the historical connection to Rosedale neighbourhood and its initial development in the Edwardian-era boom period (Symbolic Value – City Wide Significance & Landmark Value – Community Wide Significance).