The Chinatown Context Paper was prepared in 2018-2019 by Marilyn Williams, Jeanie Gartly, and Kerri Rubman and forms part of a Chinatown Heritage Project, which includes a Places of Interest List (POIL) and the evaluation of a number of properties for the Inventory of Evaluated Historic Resources.
This paper outlines the major themes in Crescent Heights’ development including its brief status as a Village between 1908 and 1910, early landowners and subdivisions, major transportation and commercial corridors, some of the key landmarks and institutions, and the evolution of the community’s boundaries during the past century.
The Hillhurst-Sunnyside Context Paper was prepared in 2021-2022 by Marilyn Williams and Gillian Sissons and lays the groundwork for future heritage activities by identifying the significant cultural and historical themes, cultural practices, institutions, events, and people associated with the area.
This context paper provides an analysis of historic trends and significant buildings and structures, and represents an overview of the development of Calgary’s built heritage during the modern era.
The Parkdale Community Heritage Inventory was initiated by the City of Calgary and the Parkdale Community Association Heritage Subcommittee to evaluate ten potential historic places in Parkdale, a residential community founded nearly a century ago.
Ramsay is one of the city’s most historic communities. This context paper portrays Ramsay’s major historical events and persons as well as its diverse aspects of community development.
The context paper identifies historical themes and characteristics that contribute to the heritage value of the area. Scarboro’s historical context paper explores social, economic and architectural history across historical eras.