About the Heritage Calgary Awards

The Heritage Calgary Awards celebrate the diverse heritage of our shared home. Every second year we honour those who have made efforts to identify, preserve, and promote heritage in Calgary to help enrich our communities.

How to Apply

• Review the full application instructions and category requirements on this page.
• Complete the application form fields at the bottom of this page.Please apply to the category you think is the best fit for your project; the jury will recategorize if needed.

• Attach all supporting materials. If multiple attachments are necessary, please compile them into a PDF and upload the PDF.

• Once you have completed the application form fields and attached your supporting materials, click "Submit".

Application Deadline: Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at midnight.

Phone: 403-805-7084
Email: info@heritagecalgary.ca


Works completed since June 1, 2018, are eligible. Applicants or projects which have previously received a Heritage Calgary/CHA Lion Award are not eligible. Previously submitted applications are eligible for resubmission. The jury reserves the right not to grant an award to a category.


Each winning project will receive one award and certificates for each of the major participants, as well as recognition at the Heritage Calgary Awards ceremony on November 14, 2024.

General Requirements Checklist

• Complete application form. Please be sure to complete each section and include all requested information. Incomplete applications will not be considered by the jury.

• Designate a primary contact: include the name and contact information for the person submitting the application. All communication regarding the application will be through this contact.

• A one-page summary that describes the role of the applicant(s), the contribution of the person, group, or project to heritage conservation in Calgary, including any challenges that the project presented and the response to this challenge(s).

• Illustrative materials: this includes photographs (minimum 300 dpi), brochures, newspaper articles or other relevant material (maximum of 10 items).

• A list of all major participants: this should include consultants, contractors, developers, and community, business, or government contributors.

• Meet category submission requirements: ensure you have completed all the submission requirements for your category.

• Please be mindful of the length of your submission. The entire application should not exceed 20 pages.

Please Note

• Please note that we will not be accepting physical applications or supporting materials. Please submit DIGITAL MATERIALS ONLY.

• Some categories have additional submission requirements.

• Incomplete submissions will be considered ineligible for
consideration by the jury.

Heritage Calgary will retain the right to use submitted materials from the winning projects in communications and publications, electronic or otherwise.


Awards Categories


1. Resource Conservation

This category recognizes the preservation of a heritage building through repair, rehabilitation, restoration or adaptive reuse of a structure or feature. For this category, TWO subcategories will be awarded: residential and non-residential. The award considerations and category requirements for each subcategory are the same.

Awards Considerations:

• Align with best practices in heritage conservation.

• Quality of workmanship and the retention of the heritage integrity of a building,

Category Submission Requirements

• Drawings must be clear and suitable for reproduction. If appropriate, include a site plan, elevation drawings and other relevant details.

• Comparative illustrations and before and after photos should be included (maximum of 10 images).

• All applications must adhere to the general requirements checklist.

2. Cultural Landscape

This category recognizes cultural landscape design including the maintenance and restoration of heritage landscape features, conservation of landscape resources, contributions that support heritage landscape conservation, and the restoration, conservation, or highlighting of archaeological sites.

Awards Considerations

• Alignment with best practices in heritage conservation.

• Conservation of original landscape and archaeological elements, both built and natural.

• Compatibility of landscape design with the historic character of the neighbourhood.

• Engagement with Indigenous rights holders on culturally significant sites, if appropriate. Please refer to this Protocols resource from the City of Calgary Indigenous Relations Office.

• Evidence of using historic documentation where applicable.

Category Submission Requirements

• Address the contextual issues in a one-page summary.

• Drawings must be clear and suitable for reproduction. If appropriate, include a site plan, elevation drawings and relevant details.

• Comparative illustrations or before and after photos may be included (maximum of 10 images).

• All applications must adhere to the general requirements checklist.


3. Heritage Storytelling

This category recognizes the efforts of individuals or groups to interpret and represent historic context through stories. Heritage storytelling remains true to fact while creating a rich narrative which interprets and represents the experience. Examples of this category could include publication, reporting, artwork, education, and traditional Indigenous storytelling.

Awards Considerations

• Contribution to the diversity of heritage storytelling in Calgary.

• Conveying heritage stories to a wider audience when possible.

• Knowledge and respect of historic context

Category Submission Requirements

• Include appropriate illustrative material, such as excerpts of published work, photographs, programs, etc. (maximum of 10 items)

• All applications must adhere to the general requirements checklist.


4. Advocacy and Volunteerism

This category recognizes the efforts of individuals or groups advocating or promoting the conservation of heritage sites, enhancing the public realm through heritage-related projects, or increasing public awareness of heritage issues. Education, activism, communication, exhibition, events, streetscapes, public art, special installations, banner and signage programs are examples of this category.

Awards Considerations

• Public involvement in the project.

• Positive contribution to the public realm.

• Innovation and uniqueness of the project.

• Contribution to the awareness of historic resources and heritage issues.

• Overall impact of these efforts.

Category Submission Requirements

• All applications must adhere to the general requirements checklist.

5. Heritage Trades and Crafts

This category recognizes the skills of an individual or team in the trades and craft professions as they relate to a heritage conservation project.

Awards Considerations

• Contribution to the sound conservation of historic resources.

• Knowledge and respect of the historic fabric.

Category Submission Requirements

• A brief description of how the individual or each team member contributed to the project, their training, and their contribution to other heritage-related projects, if applicable.

• List of completed projects with images (maximum of 10 images).

• Include appropriate illustrative material, including related photographs, media

coverage etc. (maximum of 10 items).

• All applications must adhere to the general requirements checklist.