Scottish Heritage in Calgary & Burns Night


January 24, 2025

"Fort Calgary, Alberta.", 1876, (CU1126893) by Unknown. Courtesy of Glenbow Library and Archives Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.

Calgary is the largest city in the province of Alberta and among the cities in Western Canada most influenced by Scottish culture. While the name “Calgary” itself comes from the Scottish Gaelic language, Indigenous peoples have names for this area that have been in use long before Scottish settlers arrived. In the Blackfoot language it is called Moh’kins’tsis; the Îethka Nakoda Wîcastabi refer to the area as Wîchîspa Oyade and the people of the Tsuut’ina nation call this area Guts’ists’i. The Métis call the area Otos-kwunee.

In 1875, a detachment of the North-West Mounted Police (NWMP) arrived in the area ostensibly to protect their interests from US whisky traders and enforce federal law. They established a fort that was initially called Fort Brisebois but was later renamed by Colonel James Macleod in 1876.

Macleod had recently been a guest at Calgary Castle (or Calgary House) in Scotland, the ancestral estate of his cousins overlooking Calgary Bay on the Isle of Mull. The name Calgary itself is derived from the Scottish Gaelic ‘Cala Ghearraidh’, which was thought to mean "clear running water" but is now generally understood to mean “beach of the meadow” or “bay farm”. Colonel Macleod suggested the name “Fort Calgary” in a letter transmitted to Ottawa and approved by then Minister of Justice, the Honourable Edward Blake.

Calgary Castle overlooks Calgary Bay and is about 19 kilometres from the town of Tobermory (Strutt and Parker via CBC).

"Calgary castle, Isle of Mull, Scotland.", [ca. 1940s], (CU199909) by Unknown. Courtesy of Glenbow Library and Archives Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.

There is a substantial population of people with Scottish heritage in Calgary. With 211,090 respondents to the 2021 Canadian Census identifying Scottish origins, it is the second highest ethnocultural origin in the city (Statistics Canada).

In 19th century Scotland, much emigration was the “result of both force and persuasion” (WW Knox, Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network). Until about 1855, a number of emigrants were forced to leave the land due to evictions known as Highland Clearances. The eviction of Highlanders from their homes began in the 1750s and reached a peak in the 1840s and early 1850s. Conditions including political oppression, crop failure, and economic collapse contributed to many leaving Scotland to pursue economic self-betterment in other countries. These immigrants from both the Highlands and Lowlands had a significant role in settling and developing Canada and Calgary. Their cultural impact continues to contribute to Calgary’s diverse heritage through traditions and events like Burns Night and the Highland Games, among others.

History of Burns Night in Calgary

Burns Night takes place on January 25 each year to celebrate the life and legacy of Robert Burns, Scotland’s national poet and a source of Scottish identity and pride. The celebration of Burns' life is called "Burns Night," and many mark the occasion with a traditional dinner called a "Burns Supper". This is a more than 200-year-old tradition celebrated around the world.

Robert Burns, engraving from A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen, 1870.

In Calgary, Burns Suppers are held every year by Scottish organizations and societies such as the Calgary Burns Club. The Calgary Burns Club was formed in 1964 as an exclusive, men-only fraternity based on the Tarbolton Bachelors Club, of which Burns himself was a founding member. Each year, the club hosts a Burns Supper with members and their guests in attendance. This is a formal event with guests encouraged to dress in Highland Formal.

The Burns Supper features haggis, scotch whisky and Burns’ poetry. Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish made of sheep’s stomach stuffed with the animal’s heart, liver and lungs, oatmeal and spices, said to taste similar to sausage. Burns Suppers may be formally divided into 12 parts including the Order of the Supper, Host’s Welcome Speech, Entrance of the Haggis, Loyal Toast, Immortal Memory, Toast to the Lassies, and recitals of Burns’ poems and songs.

“Piping in the haggis” at Burns Night. From left to right:  Bill MacLachlan, John Goldie, Tom Miller. Image: Calgary Burns Club.

The Highland Games

The Highland Games is a competitive strength sport with events held in in Scotland and countries with a large Scottish diaspora. Some scholars believe that the Highland Games date back to 2000 BC in Ireland and crossed to Scotland with the fourth and fifth century migrations into Dalriada (Argyll) and beyond. 

The Games are a way of celebrating Scottish culture, especially that of the Scottish Highlands. The games are centred on competitions in heavy athletics such as the stone put, Scottish hammer throw, weight throw, caber toss, keg toss, and more, but they also include piping and drumming, Highland dancing, and exhibits related to other aspects of Scottish and Gaelic cultures.

"Best-dressed highlanders at Banff Highland festival, Banff, Alberta.", 1928, (CU1178585) by Associated Screen News. Courtesy of Glenbow Library and Archives Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.

The Calgary Highland Games is one of the oldest in North America and has celebrated over 100 years since the first games, held in 1913.  Organized by the Calgary United Scottish Games Association, these games have gained the reputation as being one of the most prestigious Highland events in the West. The Highland Games have been held in other cities across Alberta, including the nearby towns of Banff and Canmore.

"Dancer Cathie Kemp of Calgary at Banff Highland festival, Banff, Alberta.", 1928, (CU1176707) by Associated Screen News. Courtesy of Glenbow Library and Archives Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.

Calgary Tartan

Tartan has deep cultural significance in Scotland, and is also embraced by people around the world as a symbol of personal identity and heritage. In 2003, the St. Andrew-Caledonian Society of Calgary presented Calgary with its own tartan. The tartan was launched on 3 August 2003 on Prince's Island during the Heritage Day Opening Ceremonies. The winning designer was Donna Buie of Cochrane.

Calgary Tartan. Image: The Scottish Register of Tartans.

The tartan is an official and registered symbol of Calgary that any person can wear any way they choose. The Society is the registered owner of the Calgary tartan and is responsible for its management and promotion. The tartan’s colours represent the city’s history and geography and this information is held within the Scottish Register of Tartans.

Red is associated with Calgary's sports teams, the Calgary Stampede and its Stampede Showband; blue represents the blue skies and the Bow and Elbow rivers; yellow symbolizes the prairie wheatfields; grey represents the Rocky Mountains to the west; black is for the oil and gas industry; and white represents the snow that graces Calgary and the Rocky Mountains for many months of every year, for Calgary’s renowned white hat, and to honour highland dancers who wear dress tartans to compete.

These are just a few examples of Calgary’s many connections to its Scottish heritage. Others include Highland Dance competitions, the commemorative statue of Robert the Bruce at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, the abundance of communities and neighbourhoods with Scottish names, and of course The Calgary Highlanders Regiment and The Regimental Pipes and Drums of the Calgary Highlanders, which will be discussed in a future article.

A colour photograph of the "Calgary Highlanders" pipe and drum band wearing Black Watch tartan in the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede parade, 1959. Alison Jackson, William & Harris Shared History Centre.


A History of the Scottish People. Migration: Scotland’s Shifting Population.1840-1940. WW Knox/ Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network.

Calgary Burns Club:

Calgary United Scottish Games Association:


Crossing borders: Scottish emigration to Canada. Marjory Harper, University of Aberdeen:

Isle of Mull:

Place Names of Alberta, Volume II: Southern Alberta. Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, University of Calgary Press,1992., “About Highland Games”:,of%20political%20turmoil%20and%20upheaval.

St. Andrew-Caledonian Society of Calgary:

Statistics Canada:

The Scottish Register of Tartans:,and%20a%20cheque%20for%20$1%2C000