Heritage Calgary

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J. Frank Moodie Residence

On October 2, 2020 the Heritage Calgary board approved the following site to be updated to the Inventory of Evaluated Historic Resources.

J. Frank Moodie Residence (1913-14)
238 Scarboro AV SW, Scarboro

Evaluated as a Community Historic Resource (CHR)

The J. Frank Moodie Residence, built 1913-14, represents the origins of Scarboro as an upscale residential neighbourhood. This was one of the high-quality homes built in Scarboro’s early years that helped set the tone for the neighbhourhood. (Symbolic Value, Community-wide Significance)

The residence exemplifies the housing constructed by speculative builders during the city's pre–WWI population boom. (Symbolic Value, Community-wide Significance)

The clinker brick facing used on this house was rare in Calgary, and the fieldstone with mortar beading distinctive. Sandstone, brick, and fieldstone were widely used in early Scarboro, adding elegance and interest. (Design Value, Community-wide Significance)

This house is an excellent example of a substantial, high-style Craftsman house—a common early style in Scarboro—with exceptional exterior and interior integrity. (Style Value, Community-wide Significance)

This was the family home of J. Frank Moodie, a well-known Calgary entrepreneur who helped develop the Drumheller coal field and Turner Valley oil field. (Person Value, Community-wide Significance)